Thursday, December 8, 2016

10 Secrets to Start Writing

10 Secrets to Start Writing

After dedicating over two years to writing, editing and finishing my Soldier Sons series, I suddenly have free writing time again! I treat big writing projects like relationships; I choose carefully before committing (actually, I’m more selective with writing projects than boyfriends) and I like to have a little fun in between. Like dating, even if you only spend a few days with one idea, it will help you find the right one. 

Boring situation, alternate reality 

Stuck in traffic, sitting at the DMV, waiting on the dentist, even just laying in bed trying to sleep, I like to play a game of What If. What if you were in the car with your favorite dead poet, taking them around town? What would they ask? How would you explain? What if it were a DMV for flying cars or teleportation? How would things be different?  

Reinventing a job

Every great writer had a boring day job before they made it. Is this where they got their inspiration? Maybe. When I was a receptionist, I used to wonder what would happen if I did the same job, just in a different way or in a different business. Who would come in if I worked at a lawyer’s office that represented, say, X-Men mutants? When I was in college, I, of course, day-dreamed about being in wizarding college instead. 

Follow your dreams

My second book, The King of the Sun, started with a nightmare that I had. I pictured the murderer from my nightmare and just started writing. I figured all the information I needed was somewhere in my subconscious and, oddly, it seemed to work. Maybe that reoccurring dream is a story begging to be written, or that terrifying nightmare will make you the next Stephen King. 

Rewrite it 

Was the last novel you read unsatisfying? Didn’t end (or begin?) the way you wanted? Or maybe it needs a modern-day reimagining or a new twist (Pride and Prejudice and Zombies?). Make your own version of a novel you liked, or didn’t like. One I’ve been kicking around; assuming the Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde really happened…

Write it

Many movies started from books, but how many movies get made into books? Or how about video games? Recently playing Dishonored 2, I thought of what a great book this fantasy world and these assassination
scenarios would make. And what is my beloved Corvo thinking? He deserves a book for sure.

Play it

My first book started with a lyric from a Nickleback song (don’t judge me). Today I’m more into EDM, but the music and music videos continue to inspire me. What do you get from  Every time we fall to pieces/ we build something new out of the hurt/ And we can never come back to Earth?” All it takes is one line or even just a feeling to get going.

Write your show

Write an episode of your favorite show and put yourself in the head of the bachelor, a CSI technician, The Voice competitor, Ink Master tattoo artist, anyone. Follow the traditional script and write a standard episode or add a twist with a vampire contestant, a reincarnated Jack the Ripper, a transgender singer, a pot of poisoned ink—realistic, fantastic, anything in between. 

Most wonderful time of the year

Time off work, off school, the holidays give you some time to write. This often mean too much time with family too, which can be a pain in the ass. Contention can be a great place to start to write, though. Rewrite
a conversation or interaction or even the whole holiday the way you would like to see it (maybe splice in a holiday romance? Or murder?).

Be amazing

Have you ever wondered what you would do if you were a genius? Or a billionaire? Or had magic? Or could time travel? How would your life be different? Would you use your power for good or for ill? Would your friends treat your differently? Your family? 

Make your world

Some writers make a story around a plot, others around characters, others around a world. What would your fantasy or scifi world look like? Would it be high fantasy or scifi, in a place that isn’t earth and doesn’t really resemble earth? Or low fantasy/scifi, in an earth-like place with a few key differences, like a world with mole-people or a world without oceans.  

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